Arabian vibes - no tax 4⭐️Shawarma Daja Hari’s (Spicy Chicken) - 1780/- A delightful Shawarma with a generous filling. A tad bit spicy nothing a Sri Lankan can’t handle already. 3⭐️Basbosa - 450/- A delicate dessert crafted from semolina and baked to perfection. Lightly sweetened with fragrant syrup. Not a wow dessert but a nice one. 📝 I will definitely order the shawarma again. 🤩 FUN FACT 👩💻 What is the history of revani cake? One of the jewels of Turkish dessert culture, Revani has a fascinating historical journey rooted in the culinary traditions of the Ottoman Empire. The name “Revani” is believed to be of Persian origin and means a dessert that invigorates the senses.
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