3.5 ⭐️Prawns yaki spaghetti LKR 1760 This has a soy taste, with few veggies to on, and the dinner roll was basic 4⭐️Iced caramel latte Loved their iced latte E - café This place gets pretty packed. If your spending the day or work in their tables or cabins minimum order is LKR 2500- 3000/- 4 🌟 Cream Bacon spaghetti LKR 1690, I had asked them to make it spicy but, that was not adhered to. The spaghetti came in a creamy broth with a dinner roll/ bun. Not much bacon to be seen though. The dish would have been better if it had come with fried bacon strips instead of cooked. 5 🌟 Vanilla ice latte LKR 900 , this drink had two shades, sweet milk and strong coffee on top, mix it and boom! Perfect kind of bitter coffee … 3.5 ✨ Spicy New York Hot dog LKR 980, they asked if I wanted the hot dog spicy, you guessed my answer, so when I got the hot dog it just had a lot of sauce....
I wish to give unbiased opinion on products, food review, and other services that I have encountered.