3.5⭐️Delifrance Hot Chocolate - LKR 620 A subtle but frothy hot chocolate, nothing exceptional but worth a reorder if your not in to the thickness 🍕 Tandoori Pizza (LKR 1500): Crispy as a biscuit and loaded with toppings, the tandoori pizza was a delightful fusion of homemade comfort and professional craftsmanship. The initial sharp spice mellowed out after a few bites, and the accompanying ice tea was a welcome companion for the spice. 🥧 Mutton Pie (LKR 550): I must confess that the Mutton Pie didn't quite align with my taste preferences. Regrettably, it didn't manage to capture my favor, and I say this with a hint of disappointment. The mutton filling, though promisingly fragrant, leaned towards dryness, and unfortunately, the pastry mirrored this lack of moisture. This particular combination left me less satisfied than I had hoped 🍚 Garlic Rice (LKR 750): The garlic rice was a fragrant revelation, perfectly accompanied by su...
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