3⭐️This pasta was tailor made at LKR 2900 The custom-made pasta initially impressed with its neatly arranged prawns atop the creamy base. However, the lack of vibrant greens to accentuate the prawns, feeling somewhat monochromatic and overly orchestrated. The aroma of seafood permeated the air, suggesting a perhaps overbearing use of cream cheese and a lingering sense that the plate wasn't thoroughly cleaned, and it didn’t have salt, not a complaint as we can add the salt to our preference, but it’s the smell that put me off. Not gonna order that again! 4⭐️Strawberry milkshake LKR 1900, kids will surly love this. Usual full of strawberry ice cream and a tad bit of milk, good for a sugar rush but not my thing at all 5🤩 MUST TRY The Mezze platter priced at LKR 2300 Arrived impeccably presented, each component thoughtfully arranged. The section of dips, glistening in olive oil, sat elegantly alongside a fresh salad, creating an inviting t...
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