Vijay fans, you've got to check out this place! I wonder if the ilaya thalapathy knows such a gem exists in Sri Lanka! 4.5⭐️ The plain dosa priced at LKR 650/- is an absolute must-try. It's the crispiest dosa I've ever had! While the sambar was average, the coconut chutney boasted of distinct and delightful flavors. 4⭐️For something truly unique, try the T-67 priced at LKR 1590/-. It's like biryani but with a twist - two parathas layered with mutton gravy. Starting from a crunchy onion omelette at the bottom, each layer adds its own flavor, all complemented by a delicious gravy that doesn't overpower with excessive flavor enhancers, including salt. 5⭐️Don't miss out on the Kumbakonam degree coffee at LKR 370/-. It's a strong yet sweet milk coffee that's simply divine. 4⭐️And for dessert, indulge in the Gulab Jamun dosa priced at LKR 690/-. It's a crispy dosa generously slathered with sexy syrup, with the jamun adding a burst of flavor. The syrup is...
I wish to give unbiased opinion on products, food review, and other services that I have encountered.