3.5⭐️Today's Special - 1017: A refreshing blend of cucumber with a hint of lemon and a touch of mint! This drink is 50% less likely to be reordered. May be a lot of lemon would have made it better
4.5🌟Layards Lemonade - 1272:
An invigorating mix of lime, narang, lemon, ambul dodang, and activated charcoal, delivering a flavor reminiscent of blackcurrant juice. This one is a definite must-try and a sure reorder!
4⭐️Thambili - LKR 765
Fresh coconut water with diced coconut flesh. Definitely a reorder.
4⭐️Spicy Tiger - LKR 1280
A blend of pineapple, orange, chili, and thambili with a moderate sweetness and a pleasant touch of chili flakes. Will reorder for sure. Can bring out acid reflux so careful