Taxes 10% + 1% 5⭐️Three Fluffy Pancakes: LKR 2250 The presentation of the three fluffy pancakes was visually enticing, although upon arrival, they appeared smaller than anticipated, especially considering our hearty appetites that day. Nevertheless, they looked appetizing, topped with a generous drizzle of kithul honey and honeycombed butter adorned with cinnamon sticks, creating a tantalizing melted lightly sweetened taste . 5⭐️Ultimate Burger Bee: LKR 2950 Served with hand-cut potatoes and a side of ketchup, the Ultimate Burger Bee offered a satisfying sight compared to the pancakes. Let's delve into the layers: Starting from the bottom up, the absence of sesame seeds on the burger bun raised a question mark regarding its authenticity as a burger. However, the dish proudly embraced its handcrafted essence over mainstream standards. The hand crated grilled bun provided a sturdy base, adorned with a spread of caramelized onion. Next, a...
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