We had the Ifthar platter near the pool side of Colombo court hotel for 5🤩LKR4800 for 2 PAX is a MUST TRY which was worth every bite!
The faluda was complete with all the fixings was delish, The chicken kanji was hearty and fulfilling with a strong coconut flavor.

We were unsure about where to begin with the remainder of the dish because everything was so alluring! To honor the ifthar, this offer included a mixture of Indian and Middle Eastern food.
The majority of the dishes on the bottom tray were vegetarian, including samosas, spring rolls, pizza chicken kathi roll and falafel, which could have been mistaken for parippu vada. It was noticed that their fiery spice sauce and creamy mint dip gave these foods character.

Hearty, flavorful chicken burgers, creamy chicken in pita pockets, and a vibrant bruschetta made up the middle.
The desserts, including boondi laddu and the teeny, little julab jamun with its wonderful gonden syrup, were on the top layer.
My least favorite was the alwa.
The 3.5🌟Nasi Goreng LKR 2000 was simple; but, the rice's intimidatingly black color intimidated me. a bit more salad would make a meal a lot more vibrant
A distinguishing feature of Nasi Goreng is the dark brown colour of the rice from the kecap manis / ketjap manis which is an Indonesian sweet soy sauce.