4⭐️ Amma's Chicken Curry LKR 2250 A departure from the usual red curry, this leaned towards a creamy white consistency. Infused with the freshness of coriander, it offered a delightful taste with a moderate spice level (🌶️). 5🤩 Red Lentil Dhal with Ghee "Thalichi" LKR 600 A tale for another time adds flavor to this dhal. Cooked until the gravy evaporates, it's then adorned with ghee, mustard seeds, onion, and red chilies. An aromatic delight that's hard to miss. 4⭐️ Hand-Tossed Paratha LKR 200 each A crispy treat at LKR 200 each – a worthy indulgence. 5⭐️ Egg Roti LKR 300 Crunchy and delicious, though it might not suit everyone's taste. FUN FACT! Funny Story Alert! During an outing with Kerala friends, the waiter deemed "Thalichi" a stylish English term. Native speakers puzzled, prompting the waiter to elaborate until realization struck, leading to a hearty correction. 😅😅😅 Poor fellow! 3.5🌟Hand tossed paratha LKR 250 Top has a nice golde...
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